Institute of Agriculture Science
The Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IAS) is the platform for research and teaching in agricultural sciences. Today and in the future agricultural research requires a multifaceted approach, integrating agricultural and natural science-based methods and concepts. Agricultural production systems are closely interrelated with other systems and are highly complex.
The agriculture education also needs to evolve itself in line with the fast changing and ever emerging national and international settings requiring a renewed emphasis on enhanced quality and relevance of learning to facilitate and undertake human capacity building for developing self motivated professionals and entrepreneurs who are capable of performing and outpacing in new milieu of IPR, WTO, GM seeds, biotechnology, nanotechnology, alternative sources of energy, bio-fuels, sustainable development, etc.
Institute of Agriculture Science offers Courses in :
- B.Sc.(Ag)
- B.Tech. (Ag)
- M.Tech(Ag)